Well I work in education and have been on the receiving end of myths and legends for years. In one workshop I was asked by the facilitator “ who had walked in with me today “? I was like umm just me, no my grandparents (who died yonks ago) are not with me thanks. The facilitator wanted us to take on board that when we enter a room it is with our genealogy. Well, I am European and we do not hold onto myth and legends in fact we moved out of the dark ages and moved into the light. I have sat through countless wishy washing cultural training over the last 25 years and I think it’s getting worse, now we are expected to take on grievances and white privilege, when in actual fact most of us come from working class and hardship I know my family did, so don’t talk to me about white privilege. I admire her for making a stand and not going against what she believes in, just wish more people would be like her and tell people to go and jump in the lake!!!

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Well said. It’s bullshit, plain & simple. Te Ao Maori is a pagan, animistic worldview which is not in any way compatible with the modern, scientific world. (Yes, I’d aver that Christianity is but that’s another story…). Poor Janet, but good on her for standing up against these fucktards..

This chap argues the same case equally well:


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So the judiciary beleive quaint fairy stories, Maori folklore and legend hold precedent over fairness, logic, science and common sense? Incorporating Tikanga into common law beggars belief and Una Jagose as head of Crown Law must be let go, along with all the other like minded heads of our public civil service. NZ voted for an end to this woke crap but alas not yet. Wake up Luxon!

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It would be just as erroneous to impose a blanket Christian course, as it is to impose a blanket Māori one. Which Christian-based religion would get the most plucked out of to insert into the course, and what would all the others think about that?

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How deeply embarrassing- hope to God I do not share any DNA with these ninnies.

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I doubt anyone buying or selling a property wants anything more from an agent than getting the best deal. On what did the REA base their decision that this needed to be a mandatory course? I doubt it would have scored very high on a consumer survey had there even been one carried out.

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Why didnt she say that she is an atheist, and doesnt believe in that stuff. I dont think you can be discriminated against because of your beliefs, which is what the judge has done. They might have gotten away with it during a pandemic, but they have no right to interfere with her work because of her beliefs. Why doesnt she say she is a Witch, and already has her pagan beliefs sorted.

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I'm glad she didn't. I'm glad she is being true to herself and standing up to the garbage and exposing it for all to see. Had she lied, she would have been seen as endorsing the total crap that it is. GOOD ON YOU FOR STANDING UP AGAINST IT, JANET. Too many of us use lies/excuses rather than confront this maori bullshit. I don't, never have, and won't. I am a New Zealander.

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Shared to FB page 'Fake news and the NZ Herald" https://www.facebook.com/groups/155840075059713

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What this devision implies is that the NZBORA 1990 doesn't count one jittery jot.

Maybe judicial review was the wrong way to go as this case could have been under the ERA 200 if Dickson was an employee given ss 105 and 106, then the freedom of belief issue could have been dealt with.

Even if in judici review, surely a rule's content that infringes NZBORA was unreasonable if not unlawful.

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InternetNZ places the Treaty above what most would believe to be its core function (this is from a job ad on Seek - so presumably not a joke like the he/him Mt Taranaki photo):

About the Company: InternetNZ is the home of .nz, committed to creating an internet that benefits all of Aotearoa. As a non-profit, they provide the infrastructure, security, and support to keep New Zealand’s Internet safe and accessible for everyone. Currently, their focus is on centering Te Tiriti o Waitangi in everything they do, recognising its foundational role in both Aotearoa and the .nz domain. They’re also dedicated to ensuring the .nz domain supports New Zealand’s economy and collective wellbeing

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Woke is a real religion, complete with sacred texts (the Treaty of Waitangi), death transcendence (Peter Ellis exonerated in the afterlife), high priests and priestesses (Ardern) heretics, original sin (white skin)....but no forgiveness

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I have no problem with Peter Ellis being exonerated in the afterlife - but strictly speaking, tikanga wasn't necessary for it:

"Therefore, while there is precedent for appeals continuing after death, it is extremely rare and requires an overwhelming justification for doing so. The general consensus remains that when someone dies, so too do their rights to appeal." - Equal Justice Project paper on the case.

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Decision not devision.

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