Interesting. I’m not troubled by the dots joined vis a vis whanau and political slash bureaucratic connections, though it is ‘nice to know’ and needs to be transparent. It doesn’t prove conspiracy though. Just a small population. And iwi tend to stick together …. sometimes to their detriment,eg the Baby Ru homicide.
What is more troubling is your expose on charities. Holy hell.
Jeez John, and I thought you were a tough critic... You have gone rather light on what is a complete & massive rort by factors-Maori, led by the likes of Tamihere and co. Moxon is a major trough snouter with her Te Kohao Health as one of the largest health care providers in Ayatiarower. Family members and connected relatives stack the board/management team. Interesting that often 'Maori Health Care' provides 'soft' services like 'birthing advice', Maori healing' (aka total BS) and anything similar that is very hard to quantify in terms of efficacy. ACC funding 'reiki' and other such nonsense is staggering to me as a business owner who has just paid my latest massive Levy.
Waipareira Trust you rightly identify as a lead snouter, the figures are staggering and their funding I think is approved by his wife or something similar. The Marae scandal is exactly that, blatant, arrogant and twisted. But it ain't a conflict, it is just Tikanga.
Sadly the recent COVID inquiry didn't touch any of the targeted funding channels for Maori. Millions of dollars to 'encourage' Maori vax rates, all given to Iwi for what? And let us not forget who just happened to get the majority of lucrative contracts for running testing stations and vax sites during COVID?? Our brown brothers & sisters would have made a complete killing during that period with all the money the Govt threw at them to employ their Iwi members to stand around all day on our dime.
Oh, yes, Iwi and Friends are doing pretty damn well out of Govt Contracts. I guess it is just like the garbage contracts in New York that the mafia obtained.
Thanks for continuing to shine some light on this darkness.
Perhaps I AM getting soft in my dotage. Not all Maori health is "soft". Let us not forget Titewhai Harawira's State-funded mental health unit where the hands on treatment, in which she participated (and for which she at least was jailed) involved beating the patients to a pulp
Interesting. I’m not troubled by the dots joined vis a vis whanau and political slash bureaucratic connections, though it is ‘nice to know’ and needs to be transparent. It doesn’t prove conspiracy though. Just a small population. And iwi tend to stick together …. sometimes to their detriment,eg the Baby Ru homicide.
What is more troubling is your expose on charities. Holy hell.
It is the Mafia and we should tret it as such.
Jeez John, and I thought you were a tough critic... You have gone rather light on what is a complete & massive rort by factors-Maori, led by the likes of Tamihere and co. Moxon is a major trough snouter with her Te Kohao Health as one of the largest health care providers in Ayatiarower. Family members and connected relatives stack the board/management team. Interesting that often 'Maori Health Care' provides 'soft' services like 'birthing advice', Maori healing' (aka total BS) and anything similar that is very hard to quantify in terms of efficacy. ACC funding 'reiki' and other such nonsense is staggering to me as a business owner who has just paid my latest massive Levy.
Waipareira Trust you rightly identify as a lead snouter, the figures are staggering and their funding I think is approved by his wife or something similar. The Marae scandal is exactly that, blatant, arrogant and twisted. But it ain't a conflict, it is just Tikanga.
Sadly the recent COVID inquiry didn't touch any of the targeted funding channels for Maori. Millions of dollars to 'encourage' Maori vax rates, all given to Iwi for what? And let us not forget who just happened to get the majority of lucrative contracts for running testing stations and vax sites during COVID?? Our brown brothers & sisters would have made a complete killing during that period with all the money the Govt threw at them to employ their Iwi members to stand around all day on our dime.
Oh, yes, Iwi and Friends are doing pretty damn well out of Govt Contracts. I guess it is just like the garbage contracts in New York that the mafia obtained.
Thanks for continuing to shine some light on this darkness.
Perhaps I AM getting soft in my dotage. Not all Maori health is "soft". Let us not forget Titewhai Harawira's State-funded mental health unit where the hands on treatment, in which she participated (and for which she at least was jailed) involved beating the patients to a pulp
My view is that there should be no special taxation status for any group. Just treat charities, churches, iwi etc like companies.